Adult Driver Education
Driving Right offers adult driving instruction and the road test for adults 18 years of age and older, including international MSU students and visiting scholars and their spouses.
The Road Test
See road test locations for a site nearest you. Our East Lansing road test location is very near MSU campus at the Ascension Lutheran Church located at 2780 Haslett Road, East Lansing, 48823. It is conveniently the closest road test site to campus. It is on CATA Bus route 22, which has a bus stop very close to the test site. Drive Right provides a rental vehicle for the road test.
Driving Instruction
The instructors of Driving Right have assisted and instructed thousands of adults, MSU students, MSU international students and visiting scholars for many years. Instructors of Driving Right help the adult driver learn and develop safe and defensive driving skills, apply the rules of the road, and prepare the driver for taking the road test. Adults who have taken driving instruction from Driving Right have demonstrated skill and safe driving habits to enable them to pass the road test.
Please refer to the Secretary of State’s website,, which provides helpful information in obtaining a Michigan driver’s license. A booklet to prepare for taking the written test is What Every Driver Must Know and the Driving Skills Test Study Guide will help the driver prepare for taking the road test. Both booklets are available on the Secretary of State’s website.
MSU International Students and Visiting Scholars
The Office for International Students and Scholars will assist you in fulfilling the Secretary of State’s translation requirements. Please refer to the Office for International Students and Scholars’ website at